Gardner Craft Group
We are a friendly group of ladies who participate in doing many crafts—Knitting, Cross Stitch, Card Making, Sewing.
The Gardner Craft Group meet on Tuesday mornings at Newington gardens between 10am & 12 noon.
Often we help out by making things for the church – Stools, cushions, kneeling cushions and hanging banners, bunting for Big Lunch, Christmas and Easter socks for fundraising to name a few.
We have also knitted jumpers for Fish and Chip babies, hats for fishermen, trauma teddy bears for the emergency services, A framed banner of nursery rhymes for ninewells children’s wards and outfits and octopus (with tentacles similar to being in the womb) for premature babies at Ninewells Hospital. We have made a banner that hangs in the church as well as stool cushions and kneeling cushions for weddings held at the Gardner. On the run up to Christmas we are often busy making items to sell on our craft stall at the Christmas in the city events. The proceeds of the sale go to the Church which is much appreciated by the finance group.
If you would like to come along and join us, you will be made very welcome, even if you are a novice at your craft or would like to try something new, there is usually someone there to help if you get stuck. So come along and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and some chat whilst your fingers are busy creating.
This first photograph shows some members saying a goodbye to member Sarah as she embarks on a holiday adventure in 2024. Best wishes to Sarah and hope to see her on her return in 2025
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